Reusing WordPress components: L10n

Personally, I'm a big fan of WordPress. Although it can be bloated sometimes, it uses smart programming techniques and high quality libraries. (Unlike some of the plugins.)

Today, I sorted out how to use the Localization (l10n) libraries of WordPress in another project. And it was a lot simpler than I could have hoped for.

Step 1: Copy some files

From the WordPress distribution, we're gonna need /wp-includes/l10n.php and the directory /wp-includes/pomo/*.php. Copy l10n and the whole directory pomo to your own includes directory.

Step 2: Compatibility

WordPress extensively uses apply_filters and do_action for filtering data and triggering events. We're not gonna use those now, but unless we want to rewrite half of l10n.php, we better make something for compatibility. I entered these simple statements in a new file named wordpress-compat.php:

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My l10n makefile

To easily gather .pot files, combine them with existing .po files and converting them to .mo files, I created this makefile for use with automake:

.PHONY: _site.pot backup
POFILES:=$(wildcard *.po)
NOW=$(shell date +%s)
all:    backup
        make $(   %.po
        echo Generating $@
        msgfmt -o $@ $< || echo -e "\033[33;1m $@ is wrong \033[0m"
%.po:   _site.pot
        if [ -e $@ ]; then \
        mv $@ $(@:.po=.potmp) ; msgmerge --no-fuzzy-matching $(@:.po=.potmp) _site.pot > $@ ; \
        rm $(@:.po=.potmp) ; \
        else \
        echo Creating new file ; cp _site.pot $@ ; \
        find /var/www/html -iname "*.php" | grep -v wpcode > my-php-files
        xgettext --from-code=utf-8 -d site -f my-php-files --keyword=_e --keyword=__ -o - | sed "s/CHARSET/UTF-8/" > _site.pot
        rm my-php-files
        mkdir -f .backup
        tar zcf .backup/backup-$(NOW).tgz *.po Makefile

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X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0

Since upgrading to Fedora 17, I've been getting this message "X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0". I haven't done anything to fix it for a while, but today I got so annoyed with this message, that I decided to fix it.

First I google'd around a bit. What does this message mean? I read a lot of reactions that suggest to fix something on ssh_config on the client side or in sshd_config on the server side. These suggestions did not work for me.

So, how do we debug this?

On the server side, open the firewall on a non-standard port. I used port 222:
iptables -I INPUT -s [client-ip] -p tcp --dport 222 -j ACCEPT
Then I ran sshd in non-forking debug mode on this port:
/usr/sbin/sshd -d -p 222
Then we login from the client, using verbose mode:
ssh -vvv [server]

This generates a lot of logs on both sides. The log on the client side contains:
debug3: Ignored env GTK_IM_MODULE
debug3: Ignored env XAUTHORITY
debug3: Ignored env CCACHE_HASHDIR
debug3: Ignored env _
debug2: channel 0: request shell confirm 1
debug2: callback done
debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.
debug2: channel_input_status_confirm: type 100 id 0
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0

So, what's the problem? The server has no xauth program. The old versions of the ssh client silently failed when the server had no xauth, this new version is just a little more verbose.

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MySQL – How to get Top N rows for each group

We have the following table and data:

name text,
haircolor text,
score INT
INSERT INTO girls VALUES ('Megan','brunette',9);
INSERT INTO girls VALUES ('Tiffany','brunette',5);
INSERT INTO girls VALUES ('Kimberly','brunette',7);
INSERT INTO girls VALUES ('Hester','blonde',10);
INSERT INTO girls VALUES ('Caroline','blonde',5);
SELECT * from girls;
| name     | haircolor | score |
| Megan    | brunette  |     9 | 
| Tiffany  | brunette  |     5 | 
| Kimberly | brunette  |     7 | 
| Hester   | blonde    |    10 | 
| Caroline | blonde    |     5 | 
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Session Variables

MySQL, at least on the versions I've checked, does not support ROW_NUMBER() function that can assign a sequence number within a group, the MySQL session variables can be used to build a workaround. Session variables do not need to be declared first and can be used to do calculations and perform actions based on them. They appear to require initialization. For instance:

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Making broken link checker work with Woocommerce external products

I'm working on a new project to bring together all high quality WordPress themes on one website. Today I tried to make broken link checker work with Woocommerce external products.

When you configure the broken link checker to look for urls in the custom field named _product_url, BLC would find all these links. Unfortunately, this only works for posts and pages, but Woocommerce stores its products as product.

So, in order to make these plugins work together, you should add the post_type 'product' to both line 441 and 478 of broken-link-checker/modules/containers/custom_field.php

Guess it would be better if the plugin asked you which post_types should be included.

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Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H: Upgrade the firmware

In order for vlans to work correctly with the Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H access point, you must upgrade the firmware to (at least) build 19154 of DD-WRT. I think it's some kind of bug that causes ARP replies to be filtered.

I copied the config of one AP to another to find that it didn't work on that device. When comparing the config of both devices, I noticed that the APs were running different versions of the firmware. I do vaguely recall that I updated the firmware of one AP. When the firmware was applied to the other AP as well, all problems were gone right away.

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Preupgrade – the root for the previously installed system was not found

Today, I've been digging through forums, log files and python scripts for about 16 hours (!!!) to update my system from Fedora 16 to Fedora 17. Apart from the fact that preupgrade for some reason downloaded all files from US mirrors (I'm in .nl), one of the biggest problems I had was the clear message "The root for the previously installed system was not found".

Why the fsck could it not find my installation? Was it the Luks full disk encryption? Or possibly the LVM volume manager? It couldn't be the btrfs filesystem, could it?

I tried everything possible, and when I was about to give up, I read this message that preupgrade has a problem with btrfs snapshots. Do I have these snapshots?

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 disk
lvchange -ay vg_hdd/lv_root
mount /dev/mapper/vg_hdd-lv_root /mnt
btrfs subvolume list /mnt

There was the answer. I did. Two snapshots created by yum.

btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/yum-2012....1
btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/yum-2012....2
umount /mnt
lvchange -an vg_hdd/lv_root
cryptsetup luksClose disk

Damn, this has been a great day. Thanks to those crappy error messages. Time to go to bed.

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