Google Talk on Fedora 13

Since a few days, Google has this great feature that allows you to dial land lines from your gmail account. Unfortunately, they are only shipping a Linux client for Debian/Ubuntu. I'm using a custom repository with a lot of custom-build RPMs, and I really don't feel like switching away from RedHat-style for servers and clients.

How to use the .deb file on Fedora?

  • First, go to gmail and click on the "call" icon in the left sidebar
  • Download the .deb file offered. I use x86_64, so I get the file google-talkplugin_current_amd64.deb
  • Start a shell
  • mv [filename] /tmp
  • mkdir /tmp/googletalk
  • cd /tmp/googletalk
  • now, extract the file: ar vx ../google-talkplugin_current_amd64.deb
  • you get 3 files, control.tar.gz data.tar.gz and debian-binary
  • extract data.tar.gz: tar zxvf data.tar.gz
  • I don't want the google crontab, which of course is debian-based, so I only copy relevant files: cp -R opt usr /

Now, on a Debian based system, we would be ready. But on Fedora, some lib versions are incorrent. Link to the correct files:

  • cd /lib
  • ln -s
  • ln -s

Restart Firefox. Now you're done.

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PCL to PDF conversion on CentOS 5.5

yum -y install libXt-devel libXext libXext-devel gcc
cd /usr/src
for i in ghostpdl* urwfonts* ; do otar jxvf $i;done
mkdir -p /usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts
mv urwfonts-8.7.1/*.ttf /usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts
cd ghostpdl-8.71
sed -i "s|/windows/fonts/;/win95/fonts/;/winnt/fonts/|/usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts|g" pl/pjparse.c

It's all pretty much the default stuff, except for the required libs and the fonts. If you don't have the -devel packages, you get weird errors while compiling that don't show exactly what is missing.

To generate A4 output, add @PJL SET PAPER=A4 to the pcl input file.

© GeekLabInfo PCL to PDF conversion on CentOS 5.5 is a post from You are free to copy materials from, but you are required to link back to

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Remove “standby” from shutdown window

I recently discovered that one of my most annoying users has found another way to frustrate the WSUS update process: First, she simply didn't shutdown the computer when she went home. Now I've installed a psshutdown script on the SBS Server that forces a shutdown every evening, she found out that she could put the computer in hibernation mode. Which of course isn't a bad idea to shutdown the computer in the lunch break, but is terrible for the administrative processes if you do it every night, day after day.

The solution

I removed the hibernation option from the shutdown window. This can be done by adding a parameter to the ACPI section of the registry:
Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ACPI\Parameters
Attribute name: Attributes
Attribute value: 0x70

You can change this parameter on the command line:
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ACPI\Parameters" /v Attributes /t REG_DWORD /d 0x70 /f

To use this in a GPO, you'll need to create a .adm file... or simply run above command as a startup/shutdown script.

© GeekLabInfo Remove "standby" from shutdown window is a post from You are free to copy materials from, but you are required to link back to

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