Find the Dell Service Tag Remotely

Windows with VNC/RDP

If you can login to the computer over VNC or RDP, you can use wmic to find the service tag:
start > run > cmd
On the command line, enter:
wmic bios get serialnumber

Windows without VNC/RDP

If you cannot login to the computer over VNC or RDP, you can still use wmic to find the service tag:
start > run > cmd
On the command line, enter:
wmic /node:computer-name-here bios get serialnumber
You may need to use /user:yourusername and /password:yourpassword to get access to the remote computer. Running wmic /? gives a pretty good manual on what wmic can do.

Other uses of wmic

wmic is a very useful tool for a lot of stuff. For instance wmic csproduct can tell you exactly what model the computer is and wmic nic list shows useful information about your network.


Under Linux, you can run dmidecode -s system-serial-number to get the serial number. This can be done locally or over ssh.

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